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Auckland Flood/Cyclone Response - Collated Information
This page is now archived.
Civil Defence Centres
You can find a list of currently active Civil Defence Centres here.
Important Contacts
If your life is risk, phone emergency services on 111.
For urgent flooding issues and assistance from us, please phone Auckland Emergency Management on 0800 22 22 00.
A Temporary Accommodation Service has been set up for Auckland – you can register online for temporary housing or call 0508 754 163.
For welfare or financial assistance, you can call the Ministry of Social Development on 0800 400 100.
For a list of road closures and public transport disruptions, check Auckland Transport's website.
Check MetService for the latest weather information.
You can call a 24 hour pollution hotline on 09 377 3107.
Remember that flood waters will be contaminated and unsafe for swimming, drinking etc. Check safeswim before entering the water.
Find more information below on:
Financial assistance
Advice on your rights
Cleaning up after the flood
Waste Disposal (public and private)
Donations and volunteering
Ethnic Communities
Wellbeing Support
You can find different formats and translations of important updates from Auckland Emergency Management here.
Financial Assistance
Civil Defence Payments are available for people affected by the the flooding/cyclone. You don't have to be getting a benefit, and in most cases, it doesn't matter what your income is or what assets you have. Non-residents may be eligible for this payment.
A Civil Defence Payment can help with:
emergency food, clothing and bedding if yours has been damaged or destroyed by the flooding
costs if you’ve had to leave your home
loss of income because you can't work due to the flooding/cyclone
a payment if you have evacuees staying with you in places such as a private home, marae or community centres.
Call WINZ on 0800 400 100 to apply for Civil Defence payments. Check the here for more information.
You must also:
not be able to cover your costs from insurance (or you haven't been paid yet)
not have access to any other help, e.g:
public donations
other government relief funds
charitable relief funds.
Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund
If you are experiencing hardship as a result of the Auckland natural disasters, you can apply as an individual, household or organisation for an Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund – apply here. Applications will be accepted until 27 February 2023, or until the Fund is fully allocated, whichever is earlier. On 20 February 2023, the Fund will be reviewed and may be extended.
Some banks are offering financial assistance such as short term suspension of repayments or a temporary overdraft. Call you bank for assistance. For example, ASB is offering customers whose homes have been red or yellow stickered a one-off ex-gratia payment of $2000 to help with unforeseen costs.
Information on flood/cyclone relief packages from the following banks can be found at here:
A Temporary Accommodation Service has been set up for Auckland – you can register online for temporary housing or call 0508 754 163.
The Auckland Emergency Management line is also still available to connect you to housing (0800 22 22 00).
Head to your local Community Information Hub (46 Mahara Avenue, Birkenhead) to meet with Kāinga Ora in person.
If your home has been damaged, call Kāinga Ora on 0800 801 601. They can also liaise between you and your landlord.
For more information, visit the Kāinga Ora website.
Advice for Tenants: Tenancy rights in the event of a natural disaster
Advice on your rights
For comprehensive help, call the Citizens Advice Bureau:
0800 367 222
Birkenhead - 09 418 0032,
Browns Bay - 09 479 2222,
Glenfield - 09 444 9451,
Helensville - 09 420 7162,
Hibiscus Coast - 09 426 5338, (please note, hibiscus coast do not have offices right now due to the flood).
Northcote - 09 480 2971,
Takapuna - 09 486 3139,
Advice for Tenants: Tenancy rights in the event of a natural disaster
Advice for Homeowners: The Residential Advisory Service is a free service for residential property owners who are facing challenges in getting their home repaired or rebuilt after it has been damaged in a natural disaster - call 800 777 299.
Advice for Businesses: You can visit for extreme weather information. The Employers & Manufacturers Association can be contacted at 0800 500 362 for workplace related issues. You can also speak with your local business association.
This article by Consumer NZ has more information on Tenant’s Rights, Earthquake Comission Cover, Retirement Village Resident’s Rights, Cancellations and more.
If you are an uninsured homeowner, contact the EOC Welfare team on 03 543 7290 (After hours 03 546 0200).
When it comes to dealing with floods and storms, Insurance Council of New Zealand offers the following advice:
Continue to follow the instructions of Civil Defence and emergency services providers
Do not do anything that puts your safety at risk or causes more damage to your property
Contact your insurer as soon as you can
Avoid entering flood water, either on foot or in a vehicle. Flood water can contain raw sewage and contaminants, conduct electricity and mask hidden hazards, and poses a serious hazard to health. It may be deeper, or moving faster, than you expect
Try to make buildings safe and weatherproof but don’t make any emergency repairs unless it is safe to do so. Don’t start non-essential repairs without your insurance company’s approval
If water has entered your property, don’t turn on your electricity until it has been inspected by an electrician
Get essential services, such as water, electricity, gas and sewerage, repaired and keep copies of any invoices
Do what’s necessary to make your home safe and sanitary. When cleaning, wear a mask, gloves and overalls to minimise exposure to possibly-hazardous materials
Take pictures and make a list of any perishables you have to dispose of
Photograph, remove and discard any water or mud-damaged goods that pose a health risk, such as saturated carpets and soft furnishings
Take photos of any other damaged property to help speed up the assessments and claims process
Mark, and take a photo of where flood water reached its highest within your property
Keep any damaged items that don’t pose a health and safety risk
Do not drive your vehicle if it has suffered water damage
The Residential Advisory Service (RAS) within MBIE provide advocacy services and advice to homeowners who are navigating insurance claims to remediate damage suffered due to an event. You can contact or ring 0800 777 299 / 03 379 7027 for more information.
Cleaning Up
Health and safety
If you are concerned about your home or building and would like to request a building assessment, please call a 0800 22 22 00.
If you feel unwell after coming into contact with floodwater contact your doctor, or call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116.
People should avoid floodwater where possible and children should not play in it.
Throw away all food and drinking water that has come in contact with floodwater, including things stored in containers.
Do not eat garden produce if the soil has been flooded. Clean up and remove debris and sprinkle gardens with lime.
Do not eat shellfish from the river mouth or harbour after a flood.
If you've had to evacuate and need accommodation, Call Auckland Emergency Management on 0800 22 22 00
You can find comprehensive instructions for cleaning up a flooded property on the Auckland Regional Public Health Service Website.
For Rural Areas
The Auckland Emergency Management Lifestyle Block Emergency Preparedness Handbook has information about cleaning up, contamination risk and moving animals after a flood event.
Waste Disposal
If you have insurance, please contact your insurance company in the first instance to confirm the process for disposing of storm-related waste, including building debris, soft furnishings and storm-damaged household items.
A number of private waste companies can provide you with skip bin or flexi bag to collect your waste. A list of these companies can be found here [PDF]. These are not free but you may be able to get insurance or a civil defence payment to cover the cost.
You can also take your debris and damaged items to one of the following transfer stations for free for disposal of flood/cyclone related waste. Closest services include:
Silverdale Transfer Station – 101 Foundry Road, Silverdale
Rosedale/ North Shore Transfer Station – 117 Rosedale Road, Pinehill
Waitakere Refuse and Recycling Transfer Station – 50 The Concourse, Henderson
Constellation Drive Transfer Station – 3 Home Place, Albany.
Click here or a full list of Transfer stations and their contact details.
You need to ring 0800 22 22 00 to confirm your visit. You will need to provide your name, address, and vehicle registration to make the process easy at the gate and adhere to the facility rules, including wearing closed shoes.
Pick up: Auckland Council can also arrange to pick up your waste if you are unable to take it to a transfer station – call the number above to arrange.
Normal waste: Please note that roadside rubbish and recycling collections will continue as normal. For the next two weeks they will take place one day later than usual due to Auckland Anniversary and Waitangi Day public holidays.
For storm-related waste on public land:
Report storm debris or fallen trees and vegetation on public land to Auckland Council on 0800 22 2200 or via the ‘Report a problem’ tool.
For significant blockages or debris (including vehicles) in streams and waterways, phone 0800 2222 00 or
If you need skip bins to be placed in communal areas where the storm damage has been extensive, please phone 0800 22 22 00 so that we can assess the need and provide the required service.
You can call a 24 hour pollution hotline on 09 377 3107 for more guidance.
If you need to evacuate, take your pets with you. If you had to evacuate without your animal, please contact Auckland Emergency Management on 0800 22 22 00 and they will do their best to help.
Ministry for Primary Industries is coordinating the emergency response for displaced animals, so contact them if you need assistance on 0800 222 200.
If you are unable to return to your house and you have a pet that you cannot take with you to temporary accommodation, call Auckland Emergency Management on 0800 22 22 00
To request assistance with livestock, lifestyle blocks or feed, contact Federated Farmers on 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646).
If your animal was injured as a result of the flooding please have it checked out by your veterinarian.
If you have lost your pet during the emergency, check the Lost Pets website or the Pets Lost in Auckland Floods Facebook Group.
Post flood/storm advice from Animates Vetcare includes:
Keep animals out of floodwater and areas that have been contaminated by floodwater. This will reduce the risk of cuts or abrasions becoming infected, and prevent your animal from drinking the floodwater.
If your animals come into contact with floodwater, check them for injuries, and clean the animals thoroughly (do not use Dettol).
Clean and disinfect any areas, bedding and containers your animals use that have been contaminated by floodwater before they use them again.
To reduce stress, make their bed set up as normal as possible, dogs like to hide in dens, and often cats do to (cut a hole in a cardboard box and flip it over to make a little hidey hole for them)
Treat them, cuddle them, love them as you all will be doing
Donations and Volunteering
Volunteering Auckland have provided this comprehensive and up to date list of volunteering and donating opportunities across Auckland.
Contributing to the Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund
If you would like to donate to the Auckland Council Emergency Relief Fund, make a deposit to:
Auckland Council, 12 3113 0131166 00
Reference: Flood fund (please also provide a phone number if you would like a tax rebate form)
You can also email:
Ethnic Communities
Information about flooding is available in 12 languages here (change the language in the top right-hand corner of the page).
Asian Family Services has a free helpline available from 9am to 8pm, 0800 862 342. The Helpline is available in ten languages, including Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi and English.
This document has translated key emergency information for the Chinese community.
Pasifika Futures has a list of helplines for Pasifika communities.
Accessable are available for urgent repairs needed for disability equipment. You can call them on a 24/7 phone line at 0508 001 002. They’re also available to assist if you’ve evacuated and need equipment where you are now.
The Taikura Trust are offering accessibility support including wheelchairs, crutches and hospital beds. They are also acting as advocates for disability service providers. Freephone 0800 824 5872.
Deaf and disabled whānau can contact Whakarongorau Aotearoa (New Zealand Telehealth Services) for support by texting 8988 or calling 0800 111 123.
People First NZ have prepared this Easy Read information about the flooding in Auckland.
Information in NZSL - including what to do during and after a flood - is available here.
Wellbeing Support
Feeling alone? Pop into your local community house for a cuppa and a chat.
All Right? has created this handy resource for coping with tough times.
Hearts and Minds can help people experiencing high anxiety and/or distress through their Health & Support Navigation Service and Groups. For support, people can phone: 0800 468 288 or 09 441 8989
For help with anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, call or text Need to Talk? on 1737 to speak to a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Other organisations that provide mental wellbeing support include:
Lifeline – 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP).
Samaritans – 0800 726 666
Vaka Tautua - 0800825282
Specialist emotional support services for young people include:
Youthline – 0800 376 633, free text 234 or email or online chat.
Please reach out for help if you need it. Kia kaha.