Resilient Safe Connected Communities
Auckland North Community and Development (ANCAD) is a regional organisation operating for over fifty years has been working in the Auckland North region since 1974.
We support organisations and communities to strengthen their capacity and capability through their lifecycle.
We are an incubator , facilitator, training provider and services hub for community groups and organisations.
ANCAD strengthens regional and local relationships with collaborative approaches that create impact and meaningful change.
To learn more about ANCAD click here.

About Resilient Auckland North
An initiative to strengthen community readiness, response, recovery and resilience. Our goal is to create communities that are more knowledgeable about risks, are empowered to problem-solve, and can participate in decision-making about their future. We facilitate and support community led initiatives that strengthen the wellbeing of communities.
How we work
Support communities to design their own community readiness plans and community emergency hubs.
Support impacted communities to develop initiatives that are responsive to changes in the natural and built environment and emerging community wellbeing.
Facilitate and strengthen community safety and cohesion through community led initiatives.
Partner in research and engagement initiatives with Maori, Pasifika and ethnic communities to ensure community voices are considered in readiness and response initiatives.
Who we work with
ANCAD maintains collaborative working partnerships in all our projects with community organisations and other stakeholders. Our community led initiatives are informed by or delivered in partnership with the Storm Recovery Office of Auckland Council and Auckland Emergency Management and Auckland Council local boards.​